Wednesday 14 May 2008

We're Open!

Finally.... the site is up and running!

I hope you'll join us there and help to get the ball rolling with posts, questions, comments and journals.

My journal is already there, as are a couple of photo albums.

Be sure to sign up, don't be a lurker!

Love and Hugs


Decisions... decisions!

I'm so tempted to launch the website, but its not as perfect as I would like. pet says if I keep waiting for it to be perfect it will never be launched!

There are still extra features I want to add, but maybe I will just let it run as it is.

I can't decide whether or not to visit London tomorrow either. I'm contemplating visiting Olympia to see the Times Creme exhibition for Executive PAs and Secretaries.

I still haven't decided where I'm going in the future... Masters or a PA course? One I *know* will make me happy and the other will make a lot of other people happy... lol.

Oh... the website if you want to bookmark it is

Sunday 11 May 2008


I've been asked elsewhere what's happened to my imminent website?!

It's pretty much ready to be up and running, but me being me and a perfectionist, there was something I wanted on it that is taking longer to find/program than I realised. But I *WANT* it on the site, so it's being worked on.

Also I'm revising for my final exam (Monday 12th) so I haven't been chasing pet up so hard on the matter as maybe I should have. Add to the (unusual) UK sunshine I have been sunning myself which is infinately nicer than staying indoors with my laptop!

I would take the laptop outside, but knowing me I'd either spill lotion on it or drop it in the pool. *lol*

Sunday 4 May 2008

Well I was stood up!

Fortunately I hadn’t left the house, although it was 8pm which was when we’d agreed to meet. I got the message that his friend’s car had broken down… oh etc etc etc. Whatever it was, I was stood up!

I was pretty miserable, pet was delighted. Actually he was pretty good, offered to open a bottle of wine (which he NEVER does, we don’t drink much!) and we decided I would get dressed up and have some photos taken to try and boost my ego.

We had a lovely evening together, and I was really glad I didn’t get to go out in the end. After all, the guy was being a little bit *odd* here and there, so I was probably safer at home. This was brought to my attention by a friend on a message board today.

Doesn’t make me feel much better though. My Dominatrix confidence has taken yet another battering, and I just feel really “blah” about the whole situation.

Anyway, here’s one of the pics:---->>>>

Saturday 3 May 2008


I’m very nervous. I’m going out tonight.

Not on a date, not out hunting for an Alpha Male, just out with some old (male) schoolfriends.

The pressure is immense! I’m annoyed at myself for making such a fuss actually. For some reason I feel the need to look my absolute best, even though I’m not the slightest bit interested in my companions for anything other than conversation.

Is it one of those “reunion” moments, where you just feel you must prove to everyone you have the most successful life? I fall for those terribly, and its very unattractive…. “oh we’ve had Christmases in the Bahamas and Mexico, Oh my husband earns more in a month than some people earn in a year” somehow the “Oh and my marriage failed and I’ve lost all that now” never enters into the conversation. I usually go with “Yes I’m still married, but I’m living with my boyfriend”… God I’m horrible!

I really mustn’t think too much, I must just enjoy myself! The guys I’m going with don’t appeal to me at all so I figured I could have a great night out without worrying about misbehaving.

So… important things!
1) Dress – I have a new dress I bought Thursday, and it looked great in the shop. Its black with white stars on, above knee length and with a buckle belt detail at the front. Failing that, the pink dress will be on standby! Both are sexy, but not in a clingy (which I can’t do!) short, OTT way.
2) Shoes – Oh my! This is always so difficult. If we go pink, its easy… white boots. But the new dress? I have a lovely pair of high black sandals with diamante buckles on (ohhh the buckles would match!) Orrrr… do I wear my black boots. Hmmm, will have to try later!
3) Handbag – VERY important item! Got to be big enough to carry my rubbish but small enough to sit unobtrusively on the table! I do have a smallish black one with stars somewhere, but that might be a bit too “matchy”… I’ll look out for one when shopping today. Bugger… better look for a white one in case I wear the pink dress!
4) Accessories – I always wear the heart/key combination with the pink dress, but I don’t really want to get into the “whats that key for” conversation… because I’ll tell everyone everything! Lol Might have to check what I have and then go shopping!
5) Hair – I hate my hair!!!! I did an overnight hair treatment so it shouldn’t be too fluffy. I’ll straighten this morning and then maybe do a couple of curls tonight.
6) Make up – I have plenty of make up, but feel the need for new mascara and nail polish!
7) Underwear – Oh… a Bridget Jones moment. Only I’m fortunate enough to know nobody will be going anywhere near my undies… I’ll look for something to make me look a bit slimmer! Hehehehe.

Is that everything?

Told you I was obsessed. Keep you updated!

Thank you...

For all the lovely comments, I do read and digest every one!

I'm glad you're all here for my complicated journey.

UPDATE on the site... We are virtually ready to go, and have been for a while. The software update we waited for is now up and running, but I have a few things to tweak. I'm pondering whether or not to launch when its ready, or on the day our Lori device arrives (hopefully before the end of May). Anyway, it won't be long now!